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Parish Life & Welfare


Our Parish Life & Welfare ministries help to promote social, recreational, and pastoral assistance opportunities so as to build and strengthen our parish community life.



(St. Albert Athletic Ministry) 

The St. Albert Athletic Ministry (SAAM or Athletic Ministry) brings together all the youth of the Parish to play in a variety of team sports throughout the year. SAAM promotes the spiritual and physical welfare of all St. Albert the Great parish youth.  We are a Catholic community, and as such, all SAAM activities reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and His church.  Additionally, the St. Albert the Great Athletic Ministry promotes Christian competition. Christian competition is embodied in the word respect. Those who participate in the Athletic Ministry are expected to show respect for themselves and those they encounter at all times and in all situations.

St. Al’s ACES 



 The St. Al’s Aces is a Senior Club organized to meet the needs of our senior parishioners. The Aces meet in a variety of ways, from meetings, fun activities and trips, to their annual Christmas party. Aces dues are $20.00 a year.


For more information about the Aces and upcoming events contact Robert Englert at 502-426-3542.

St. Al's Aces

New Member WELCOME

The St. Albert Welcome Mass extends a welcome to all new parish members. Immediately following Mass is a New Member Reception with food and fellowship, and concludes with brief parishioner testimonies in which you hear personal stories and can form connections with the many ministries and programs of the parish. The goal of this welcome event is to share information about how new members can engage more with the St. Albert the Great community and meet and connect with other parishioners. Volunteers are always needed to assist.


Contact 425-3940, Ext. 108.

New Member Welcome

GAP Club

The GAP (Graduated Albert Parents) Group was formed to bring together those families whose children have graduated from St. Albert the Great School. It is a social group with many fun activities throughout the year. All are invited to participate in whatever events are planned. Notification of events will be made through the bulletin and Parish Post.


Contact John Weaver at 502-741-7571.


People Dancing
GAP Club

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal benefit society dedicated to helping those individuals and families who are most in need, in addition to promoting the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Members value the Catholic faith, the sanctity of human life, the promotion of strong family life, acceptance of and respect for others, and exhibiting compassion. The Bishop Flaget Council currently serves the following parish communities in the eastern area of Jefferson County in Louisville, KY—Ascension, St. Albert the Great, St. Bernadette, St. Margaret Mary, and St. Patrick. The meetings are normally the first Tuesday of the month at St. Patrick. There are yearly membership dues.


Contact Mike Hord 423-1481.

Knights of Columbus

Parish Picnic

Each summer the members of our parish host our largest fundraiser: The St. Albert the Great Summer Picnic! This festival is not just for the benefit of our parish and its future, but also acts as a THANK YOU to our community and an opportunity for fun and fellowship! Hundreds of volunteers lend a hand in this three-day event (our Family Night is held on Thursday, with the primary picnic nights being Friday and Saturday from 5:00-11:00PM). Our Picnic features games, raffles, hole-in-one contest, food, and beverages.


Contact Larry Brunner at 425-3940 ext. 102 or


For the most up to date picnic information, see the Parish Post or visit our social media pages.

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Parish Picnic

Fish Fry

Every year during Lent St. Albert the Great hosts our Parish Fish Fry on Fridays during Lent. The St. Albert the Great Athletic Ministry hosts the St. Albert the Great Fish Fry as their primary annual fundraiser.  We are always in need of filling several positions required to successfully operate and launch our fish fry.


Contact John Nunn or Larry Brunner at 502-425-3940 ext. 102. 

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Fish Fry

Pastoral Care Ministry

The goal of the Pastoral Care Ministry is to reach out to those parishioners who are confined to homes, hospitals, and nursing homes with love, compassion, and support in an effort to keep them connected to the parish community. This is accomplished by bringing them Holy Communion, praying with them, social visits, and notes encouragement at various times. There are numerous ministries provided via the Pastoral Care Ministry. The Pastoral Care Committee oversees the following ministries, as well as overseeing Wedding and Funeral arrangements.  In addition, the ministry offers grief counseling and support groups.


Contact Laura Graven  at 425-3940, Ext. 169.

Pastoral Care
St. Albert the Great
Catholic Community

Tel. 502-425-3940
Fax. 502-394-9896
School. 502-425-1804



1395 Girard Drive 

Louisville, KY 40222

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