(Parish Pastoral Council)
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body to the pastor, acting in an advisory capacity to assist the pastor, staff and parishioners while helping to carry out the parish mission. The PPC provides oversight and connectivity to many committees. The PPC meets monthly and is comprised of parishioners who serve three-year terms. To be a prospective member of the PPC, a candidate must be nominated (or can self-nominate) and should be an active, baptized, confirmed parishioner who is at least 18 years of age or older. Names are drawn from this list of nominees at Mass on the Solemnity of Pentecost. Four new members are selected annually.
For more information, contact Michelle Miller at ppc-chair@stalbert.org.
Finance Council
The Finance Council ensures that responsible stewardship of parish financial resources is exercised. Reviews budgets, accounting practices and procedures, financial reporting, purchasing procedures, business office practices, Sunday collections and much more. Meetings are usually held most months on the 4th Tuesday of the month (but are driven by Parish fiscal needs).
Contact Jim Whelan at 502-423-9418 for more information.

Parish Engagement Committee
By sharing our gifts from God, we not only help our parish to carry out its mission, but we cultivate a generous heart within ourselves. The Stewardship Committee establishes and maintains an inventory of Parishioners’ time and talent to serve in the various parish ministries. This committee promotes educational programs to encourage stewardship (prayer, participation, hospitality and generosity) as a parish way of life.
Contact Kelly Evans for more information.
Facilities and Grounds Committee
St. Albert the Great Facilities & Grounds Committee works to ensure that our beautiful campus stays in tip-top shape. This includes landscaping, facilities maintenance, and even future upkeep and projects on campus.
Contact Larry Brunner at 502-425-3940 ext 102 for more information.