Children's Ministry
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place during the 10:30 A.M. Sunday Mass from September through May and once a month during the summer. The program is generally intended for children ages 4-7 (or through 2nd grade until First Communion). No registration is needed. The children are dismissed before the first reading to Visitation Hall and return during the Preparation of the Gifts.
Contact the parish office at 502-425-3940 for more information or to get involved as a Leader, Music Leader, or Assistant.

Our fully staffed nursery is offered Sundays during 10:30am Mass for children Infant to age 5 in the Sacred Heart Center. All children must be signed in and out by the same parent or adult caregiver.
Contact the parish office at 502-425-3940 to volunteer.
(Parish Religious Education Program)
St. Albert the Great PREP provides catechesis that proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ to students Kindergarten through 8th Grade who do not attend our Parish School. Classes are Sundayfrom 9-10:15am. We also foster Gospel values, develop a healthy spirituality, “connect” students to the Catholic Faith and Tradition and ground them in behaviors that exemplify Christ-like attitudes in today’s world. Volunteers are needed in a wide range of services, such as Catechists, Assistants, and PREP office help. All Catechists and Assistants for PREP are trained volunteers. In-service programs are offered during the year as well as Catechist Certification Programs offered through the Archdiocesan Office of Lifelong Formation and Education.
Contact the Sr. Sarah at 502-425-3940 ext. 109 to learn more.

RCIA for Children
This ministry is designed to help parents prepare their older children (age 7 or above) for the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Sessions with the students are held prior to receiving the sacraments in order to develop a sense of community and the necessary catechesis for the celebration of each sacrament.
Contact Sr. Sarah at 425-3940 ext. 109 for more information.
Sprouts Ministry
The Sprouts Ministry is dedicated to “Growing Disciples” by connecting families with young children Preschool (age 3+) through First Grade through dynamic and fun-filled activities. The Sprouts Ministry provides several opportunities throughout the year for families to come together to grow in the faith and develop long lasting relationships in the Church.
Contact sprouts@stalbert.org for more information.

Scouting Programs are an incredible way to help our children grow in confidence, charisma, and leadership abilities. St. Albert the Great hosts a number of Scouting troops, including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Cub Scouts. These programs have been a part of the St. Albert community for many years and have helped to form strong individuals and community leaders.
Cub Scouts
Our Cub Scouts program welcomes boys Grades 1-5. Contact Alex Lindle for more information.
Boy Scouts
Our Boy Scouts welcomes boys Grades 6-12. Contact Jim Sharon for more information.
Girl Scouts
Our Girl Scouts welcomes girls Grades K-12. Contact Karen Ising for more information.
Vacation Bible School
An annual program which aims to evangelize and catechize children through crafts, play, song, games and education through God's Word.
VBS will return in 2024 due to our
summer renovations this year.
Contact the parish office at 502-425-3940 for more information.